Our Bylaws

Delaware Stonewall Political Action Committee


Article I -NAME

Section 1.   The name of the organization shall be Delaware Stonewall Political Action Committee.


Section 1.  The mission of Delaware Stonewall Political Action Committee shall be to help elect candidates who support equality, fairness and opportunity for all, and who support the full inclusion of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender individuals in the life of Delaware.

Section 2.  To achieve this mission Delaware Stonewall Political Action Committee will work to help candidates at local, state, and national levels who reflect the needs and desires of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, by endorsements of and contributions to candidates who support our mission.  We shall hold fund-raising activities to enhance our ability to assist candidates.

Section 3.  Delaware Stonewall Political Action Committee’s platform shall be enunciated by the Board, reflecting the organization’s priorities consistent with the goals stated in Section 2 above, by and through the endorsement process.


Section 1.  Membership fee is set by a majority vote of the Executive Board.  Any person who pays the membership fee at least 2 weeks prior to the regularly scheduled organizational meeting shall be a voting member of Delaware Stonewall PAC for one (1) year from the date of providing their payment and contact information to a member of the Executive Board, who shall share such information with the entire Executive Board by or at the next Executive Board meeting.

Section 2. Membership information shall be preserved by the Executive Board and not distributed to any other person or organization unless required by law. Executive Board members shall only use membership information pursuant to fulfilling the mission of Delaware Stonewall PAC.


Section 1.  The elected officers of Delaware Stonewall Political Action Committee shall be a President, Vice President for Political Action, Secretary, and Treasurer.  Elected officials shall take office immediately following their election and shall hold office until their second regularly scheduled organizational meeting , at which point they may stand for re-election or allow a successor to be elected.  All elected and appointed positions are open only to individuals who declare Delaware as their primary residence and are members of Delaware Stonewall PAC.

Section 2. Duties of Officers

  1. President. The President shall develop the organization’s vision; develop and implement annually a strategic operating plan; serve as the chief spokesperson; set the agenda for and preside over all meetings of the Executive Board and of the membership; establish such committees as may be deemed necessary; appoint directors of committees; serve as the official representative of the organization in public forums; make decisions for the organization of policy when specifically empowered to do so by the Executive Board; advise the membership of pertinent matters affecting the welfare of the organization; disburse funds of the organization within limits set by the Executive Board; and perform the functions customarily attributed to this office.
  2. Vice President for Political Action. The Vice President for Political Action shall be responsible for coordinating the organization’s candidate evaluation: political campaign and legislative activities; coordinating activities to maintain and enhance relations between the organization and elected officials and candidates for public office; developing activities to increase lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender participation on public boards, commissions and elective office; and shall promote and implement the registration of voters, coordinate the organization’s “Get Out the Vote’ program, and shall alert members of pending legislative or administrative actions.
  3. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep minutes and records of the organization, including records on all votes cast by each member and Executive Board member; maintain the membership list, and list of supporters; shall act as Treasurer in the absence or inability of the Treasurer; and shall have the traditional role carried out by secretaries.
  4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the organization; receive and disburse funds of the organization; report the financial status of the organization to the Executive Board on a regular basis; make an annual report to the membership; prepare and submit all required Political Action Committee reports on a timely basis; and provide all information necessary for periodic audits as may be directed by the Executive Board.


Section 1.  Officers enumerated in Article IV and three additional Board members, all elected by a majority-vote by all members present at the regularly scheduled organizational meeting, shall serve as the Executive Board of Delaware Stonewall PAC.  Every effort shall be made to assure that all constituency groups are included on the Executive Board, and that each one of the State’s counties is represented.

Section 2. In the event of a vacancy during the term of any Board Member or Officer, a replacement Board Member or Officer may be elected by a majority vote of the remaining Executive Board members. Officers or Board Member Positions filled by the Executive Board will be open for election at the next regularly scheduled organizational meeting.

Section 3. An Officer or Board Member may be removed for good cause shown by a motion and two-thirds vote of the Executive Board, provided that such Officer or Board Member is provided written notice of such good cause and an opportunity to address the full Executive Board in response to the removal motion prior to the removal vote.


Section 1.  An Audit Committee of not less than three (3) members in good standing may be appointed prior to the time of the Board Elections by the Executive Board to review the financial records of the organization, its income and expenditures since the previous audit, and make a report of its findings at the next meeting of the Executive Board.


Section 1. Members of the Executive Board shall be elected at a regularly scheduled organizational meeting.

Section 2. Executive Board members may be nominated from the floor immediately prior to voting for each office, as long as the person nominated has agreed to run.

Section 3. Executive Board members shall be elected individually in the following order, President, Vice President for Political Action, Secretary, Treasurer, additional Executive Board members.


Section 1. Regularly scheduled organizational meetings shall be held at least once a calendar year as set by a majority-vote of the Executive Board and provided that at least two-weeks notice is provided to all members.

Section 2. Called special meetings of the Delaware Stonewall Political Action Committee shall be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board or called by the request of one Executive Board member and at least twenty-five percent of the membership, provided the purpose of the meeting is stated and at least two-weeks notice is provided to all members.


Section 1. The Executive Board, by majority vote, may choose to endorse candidates for any elected office within the State of Delaware, provided that such candidate has requested Delaware Stonewall’s endorsement and has provided information as required by the VP for Political Action. Endorsements may be made in any election, including primary elections, general elections, special elections, and in other non-partisan races. Such endorsement decisions shall be shared with all members and reasonably shared broadly with other stakeholders.

Section 2. By majority-vote, the Executive Board may determine whether and how much money to donate to a candidate endorsed by Delaware Stonewall .


SECTION 1. The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for the organization on all questions not covered by these bylaws.

SECTION 2. Questions of interpretation of these bylaws may be appealed to the President, whose decision shall be final.

SECTION 3. Meetings and Votes by membership and the Executive Board may be performed virtually or in-person, provided proper notice is given.


Section 1. The organization’s fiscal year shall begin July 1


Section 1. The bylaws of the organization may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the membership present at any meeting, or two-thirds vote of all members if such approval is sought electronically, provided that a two week notice be sent to the members explaining the intent of the amendment and identifying the amended section with draft proposed language.

adopted 1/13/2023